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The Latest Music News in Downingtown, PA

Are you located in Downingtown, PA and interested in learning more about singing, songwriting, piano, or guitar lessons? Check out our helpful articles or contact us today.

How does movement help singers?

Have you ever wondered why your voice teacher might make you do some strange movements or massages of different muscle groups during your voice lesson? This all boils down to something called the law of attunement, which is something that in our Academy, we use quite a lot to our advantage, particularly for voice lessons.   What is the Law of Attunement? The law of attunement basically states that in nature two systems like to sync up to conserve energy. You’ve probably ex... read more

Engaging Young Children in Music Lessons: Strategies for Success

Music education for young children is often underestimated, but at Downingtown Music Academy, we've developed effective strategies to ensure our youngest students stay engaged and excited about learning. Here are three key approaches we use to keep our lessons dynamic and enriching. 1. Clear Rules for Engagement One of the cornerstones of our approach is establishing clear guidelines that are easy for young children to understand and follow. We employ the "Five Ps of a Great Lesso... read more

A beginner's guide to reading music part 2

  Flat and Sharp Keys Demystified Key signatures are vital in music theory, guiding musicians through tonal landscapes. Let's break down flat and sharp keys to make them more accessible. Two key signautres have to be memorized: C major (no sharps/flats) and F major (one flat on B line). Other key signatures can be decoded using the following steps For Flats: Look at the second-to-last flat to name the key signature. For example, if the second to the last flat (the last fla... read more

A beginner's guide to reading music

 Learning to read sheet music is important for opening opportunities to you as a musician and developing fluency on your instrument. It can be a fairly intimidating task when you’ve never done it before. Here’s some key points to help you along the way. Understanding the Staff The first thing that we need to know is how to read the staff. The staff consists of five lines and four spaces and it’s a musical map of sorts. Each line and space receives a letter name. The ... read more

At Downingtown Music Academy...We Speak the Common Tongue

By that I mean...staff music.  My classical music background has played a huge role in how I teach guitar. I firmly believe in the importance of learning staff for all instruments and I don’t exclude guitar for this. Staff notation is the universal musical language for musicians, and if you’re going to be a team player, you better get on board. Here’s some reasons why learning staff is so important:   Become a better music reader, without all the limitations. ... read more

The Journey to Vocal Volume: Why It Shouldn't Be Your First Goal

When it comes to singing, aspiring vocalists often fixate on volume as the ultimate achievement. However, placing volume on a pedestal can lead to detrimental habits and potential vocal damage. Here’s why volume shouldn’t be your primary focus and what you should focus on instead...  1. Healthy Technique Trumps Volume Volume achieved through pushing and tension sacrifices proper pitch and breathing technique. True volume arises from a free voice devoid of tension, allowing... read more

How can I support my child’s musical development?

Looking for ways to be an active participant in your child’s musical learning? We have all the pointers for you to engage your child in music learning at home and in lessons.  Listen to music in the home Exposing your young learner to a wide variety of musical genres and artists, as well as world music, enhances their ear and their appreciation for music. Studies show that children exposed to plenty of music in the first six months of life may be more likely to develop perfect p... read more

But Why Do I Have to Learn Music Theory?But Why Do I Have to Learn Music Theory?

The Key to Mastering Music: A Dive into Music Theory In the world of music education, there's a foundational element that serves as the bedrock for aspiring musicians: music theory. At our studio, we dedicate a significant portion of our lessons to delving into the intricacies of music theory, recognizing its pivotal role in developing effective music readers and performers. Un... read more

What do group classes look like?

What do Group Piano Lessons look like?   Group piano lessons can be a dynamic and engaging way for students to learn music together. One effective method for maximizing learning and engagement in group settings is by implementing rotating stations and review games. In this blog post, we'll explore how this approach can benefit students of all levels and ages, using a hypothetical scenario in a piano class.     Introduction to Rotating Stations: In our group p... read more

How to Choose the Right Instrument for You

Embarking on the musical journey, the decision to choose the perfect instrument becomes a pivotal step. The following are my share of insights and considerations to help you make an informed choice for yourself or your child.   Piano: A Delightful Starting Point Let's start with the piano, my preferred choice for younger learners due to its mechanical ease and finger-friendly nature. The piano's ability to teach both treble and bass clefs adds versatility, covering a b... read more

These are a Few of my Favorite Things!These are a Few of my Favorite Things!

Forget raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Read on to learn about my favorite technology to use in lessons!... read more

12 reasons for giving someone music lessons this holiday season12 reasons for giving someone music lessons this holiday season

What are some reasons for giving someone music lessons? On the first day of lessons my teacher gave to me.... Here are twelve great reasons for gifting music lessons to an aspiring music student this season: Improved Cognitive Development: Studies have shown that learning a musical instrument can improve pattern recognition, spatial reasoning and even literacy skills. Enhanced D... read more

Should I Learn the Ukulele?Should I Learn the Ukulele?

Perhaps you've been wanting to take lessons but wondering "Should I learn the ukulele?"  Let's go over some of the pros and cons of taking lessons on this charming little instrument so that you can make the best decision for your wallet, your schedule and your personality: Pros: good for self accompaniment very portable and doesn't take up much space ... read more

Should I Learn Piano?Should I Learn Piano?

Are you thinking about taking piano lessons? Not sure if its the right instrument for you? Downingtown Music Academy is here to help steer you in the right direction!... read more

How long should I practice?How long should I practice?

If you're wondering how long you should be practicing your instrument, Downingtown Music Academy is here to steer you in the right direction!... read more

Should I take voice lessons?Should I take voice lessons?

Wondering if you should take voice lessons? Explore how vocal instruction can boost your confidence, and improve your vocal control at Downingtown Music Academy.... read more

Should I learn the guitar?Should I learn the guitar?

Perhaps you’ve been wondering “Should I learn the guitar?”  Let’s go over some of the pros and cons of taking guitar lessons so that you see if it’s the instrument for you!... read more

How long should I practice?How long should I practice?

Is there a magic amount of time to work with your instrument at home?  In this blog, I explore the question "how long should I practice?"  The answer might surprise you. How long should you set the timer for when you start practicing at home?  The answer is usually-it doesn't matter.  Are you surprised?  Well I've got news for you folks-the amou... read more

How can I tell if I'm singing on pitch?How can I tell if I'm singing on pitch?

While trying to improve your voice you may be thinking, "How can I tell if I'm singing on pitch?" Here's a few tricks you can use while you're still improving your ear. Use Vibrational Tracking. This is (probably) not a term you'll find on google (at least as it relates to voice).  Vibrational Tracking is a term I've come up with to basically mean... read more

What kind of music should I sing as a beginner?What kind of music should I sing as a beginner?

Many of my students just starting lessons wonder: "what kind of music should I sing as a beginner?"  Let me first start out by saying: I don't want to be the person to choose your music.  I am personally of the viewpoint that the job of a music teacher is to be a guide rather that a dictator.  I usually encourage my students to select music that they connect ... read more

Is My Choir Director Wrong?Is My Choir Director Wrong?

It’s important to be mindful of the (sometimes dubious) comments given by well intentioned choir and acting directors. Maybe you've yourself "is my choir director wrong?" Remember that their first goal is to create a full bodied, blended sound. Sometimes this might be at odds with what is best for your vocal health and your technique as a singer. If you hear iteration... read more

What Makes a Good Music Teacher?What Makes a Good Music Teacher?

Your child’s music education is important to you. You want to know that your investment is worth it. But what makes a good music teacher? Guess no more. If your teacher has these qualities, you’re in good hands. Is flexible with their teaching style.  They utilize the strengths and interests of your budding musician to help them grow. Rigidity has no place in a ... read more

How to Work on Harmonizing with SingingHow to Work on Harmonizing with Singing

Recently I’ve been asked by a few of my students who sing with local bands if they could have help with working on harmonies and backup vocals. I have a few pointers to work on harmonizing with singing when learning how to develop your harmonization skills as a singer:   Practice often, and be ok with failing. Practice in the car, at home alone, or in the shower. Play... read more

What Should I Know For a Singing Audition?What Should I Know For a Singing Audition?

Auditioning for a performance, choir, or college can be a scary thing. One thing that can make it even more terrifying is finding yourself unprepared. Maybe you have wondered, "What Should I Know For a singing audition?" Knowing the answer before you audition can alleviate stress. Don’t be afraid to take initiative and ask the audition board these questions upon receiving... read more

What is Perfect Pitch? And How do I Get It?What is Perfect Pitch? And How do I Get It?

 Recently I came across this question with a student in a lesson. Apparently, she had been “screaming the name of a note” in her head while I was searching for a key on the piano. She said, “this is an off-topic question, Miss Rosalind, but what exactly is perfect pitch?”   It's something that develops in the first 6 months of life.   ... read more

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